Companies are increasingly interested in combining the monetary aspects of their actions with ecological and social aspects. And not without reason, because the introduction of principles of the so-called "triple bottom line" not only ensures future success, but can even increase it sustainably. In today's business models, these factors are often insufficiently taken into account. New, innovative solutions are needed to position companies for a successful, greener and more social future.

Source: venture.idea
"Our results confirm that the adoption of strategic sustainability practices is significantly and positively associated with both return on assets and market valuation multiples"
Ioannou & Serafeim, Harvard Business School
"Sustainable Innovation" for sustainable business success
Aligning with the triple bottom line can increase competitiveness and resilience in established companies. At the same time, employee engagement, satisfaction and performance improve. An ultimate increase in average enterprise value is also possible. Such a sustainable alignment of existing and new business models can be achieved in a targeted manner through systematic "Sustainable Innovation". Sustainability thus becomes not only a hygiene factor, but a genuine strategic competitive advantage!
"Nearly four in five CEOs (79%) agree that the COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the need to transition to more sustainable business models"
United Nations & Accenture, CEO Study on Sustainability, 2021