
The Corporates Strike Back

How large companies win the innovation race against disruptive start-ups

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65% of CEOs of large companies are afraid of being overtaken by disruptive start-ups in the innovation race. The supposed solution: copy the methods of the start-ups. But this is a fatal mistake, because corporations are not start-ups! And so most ideas fail, and innovation becomes a frustration. Why is this so? And what is a solution that enables large companies to innovate in a customer-centric and successful way? The answer is the 5C process for efficient innovation. With it, the authors close a gap in the practice-oriented innovation culture - and bring the desire for innovation back to corporations.

Chapter Overview:
  • Foreword by Prof. Dr. Alexander Mädchen, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
  • "Innovate or die": Efficient innovation instead of inefficient start-up thinking 
  • ~Big business in the past: From patent factories to the innovation dilemma
  • ~Large companies today: Inefficient start-up thinking in separate innovation units.
  • ~Big Business Tomorrow: Efficient Innovation with Customer Fit and Traction
  • ~From theory to practice of efficient innovation
  • Efficient innovation with the 5C process
  • ~Configuration: Don't think freely!
  • ~Customization: No problem is no solution either
  • ~Compilation: He who wants to reap must first sow 
  • ~Construction: Think inside the box
  • ~Conversation: Where there is a way, there is a will
  • The "Innovation Machine": Efficient Innovation in Large Enterprises
  • ~Organizational anchoring of efficient innovation
  • ~Characteristics of an efficient innovation unit
  • ~The implementation of efficient innovation in large companies
  • Conclusion: The end is not near
  • As well as numerous practical comments & examples from Commerzbank, TÜV Rheinland, L'Oréal, Deutsche Telekom, OSM Maritime Group, Media-Saturn, German Aerospace Center, Hymer, Deloitte, PepsiCo and many more...

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