Establishing a nationwide digitization strategy for Johanniter Unfall-Hilfe

The task
With over 30,000 full-time employees and more than 46,000 volunteers, Johanniter-Unfall-Hilfe is one of Europe's largest aid organizations. Its activities include rescue services, care and nursing, work with children and humanitarian aid abroad. After the tradition-rich company recognized the significant importance of digitization for its own future viability, it commissioned Venture.idea to develop a nationwide digital strategy. In doing so, digitization was not to be understood as an end in itself, but rather to pay into the ambitious strategic goals and thereby help the organization to best realize its mission of providing help from person to person in the future as well.
The project
A strategy was to be developed for Johanniter-Unfall-Hilfe that would provide orientation for dealing with the extensive changes brought about by increasing digitization. At the start of the project, an individual maturity model was developed for the organization together with an internal project team. With this, intensive analyses, interviews and workshops made it possible to analyze the status quo (actual state) of digitization across diverse areas: Offerings & Channels, Processes & Organization, Culture and Employees. In parallel, the digital target picture (target state) was determined across the same categories from the perspective of management and employees. Based on the comparison of the current and target state, it was possible to identify relevant fields of action for the organization as a whole as well as for the individual areas and to develop concrete change measures for the (digital) future. In order to create broad acceptance, all relevant stakeholders were always included in the process and the results were communicated by the internal project team.
The result
The nationwide digital strategy with prioritized fields of action and concrete digitization measures, which was developed together with the customer, was approved by the Federal Executive Board for implementation. The continuous involvement of decision-makers and implementers ensured a high level of fit with the operational service areas and served as the basis for successful implementation. The methods and tools used in the project were transferred to the internal project team for further continuous use. As a result, Johanniter-Unfall-Hilfe is well equipped to take advantage of the opportunities presented by digitization to improve its organization - for example, in terms of improved collaboration, more efficient processes, and innovative service offerings.