Development of a product revolution

The task

Hymer is the European market leader in the caravan and motorhome sector. The task of venture.idea was the conception and development of a revolutionary motorhome up to the trade fair prototype.

The project

Through intensive customer research using a variety of different methods, unique customer needs (pain points) were identified. These formed the basis for a systematic development of innovative solution concepts. After selecting the most potent solution, venture.idea accompanied the client in setting up a trade fair prototype for exhibition already 12 months after the start of the project. Furthermore, supporting measures such as the development of a customer community, the introduction of an idea management tool as well as the development of an interactive inspiration database were carried out.

The result

The "Hymer DuoCar" developed was awarded the European Innovation Prize of the CMT trade fairs and the Best of Consulting Award 2018 of WirtschaftsWoche. Both interested parties and the trade press celebrated the vehicle as a "sensation" and a "revolution". Series production started in 2019.

"Thanks to venture.idea, we were able to successfully reactivate the old inventive spirit"
Jochen Hein, CEO, Hymer

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